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LeVel Thrive Review: Is LeVel Thrive a Scam?

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Is LeVel Thrive a pyramid scheme or a legit way to make money? Read this full review to find out whether or not LeVel is a legitimate way to make money.

If you’ve been approached by a LeVel brand promoter to either purchase LeVel products or join the company as a distributor, then you might be asking yourself if LeVel is a scam, a pyramid scheme or whether it’s actually worth handing over your hard-earned cash for.

I applaud you for doing your due diligence. There are so many scammy products and “get-rich-quick” schemes out there these days that it can be extremely difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I’m dedicated to helping people avoid being taken advantage of and parting with their hard earned money because they’ve been given the false promise of quick and easy profits by an MLM (Multilevel Marketing) company.

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In this LeVel Thrive review, I’m going to take a deep dive into the Le-Vel products and the Le-vel business opportunity and share my opinion on whether I believe LeVel is a worth your money based on my findings.

LeVel Review Summary

Company Name: LeVel Thrive

Product Type: Wellness Products

Founder: Jason Camper and Paul Gravette

Price: $100-$300/month

Best For: The Founders of LeVel

Summary: LeVel is a wellness company that sells a “premium lifestyle system” that claims to help you achieve “peak physical and mental levels.” The companies primary method of sales is through the recruitment of “Brand Promoters” who make a commission for the products they sell.

Rating: 10/100

Recommended: No

What is LeVel Thrive?

LeVel is a wellness company that markets themselves as a “premium lifestyle company.”

Their flagship product is the “THRIVE Experience”, a 3-step regimen that comprises of “premium lifestyle capsules”, “ultra-micronized shake drink” and “Thrive premium lifestyle DFT”, which are essentially stickers that are designed to “infuse the skin” with a “unique, premium grade THRIVE lifestyle formula.” Fans of the 3-step regimen claim it helps them feel more alive and energized.

LeVel Thrive sells their products via their “Brand Promoters” who earn a commission on product sales.

What Does LeVel Thrive Sell?

In addition the 3-step “THRIVE Experience” outlined above, LeVel have expanded their product range to including the following:

  • Thrive PLUS – claims to offer greater results in areas like weight management, immune support, energy and performance, mental clarity and relaxation support, when used in addition to the 3-step regimen
  • Thrive FIT – a powdered mix containing a BCAA (branch chain amino acid) formula which claims to be the “perfect pre-exercise tool”
  • Thrive FIT BUILD – a whey and casein protein isolate blend
  • Thrive FIT RECOVER – a post-exercise recovery formula containing a blend of protein and carbohydrates
  • Thrive SKIN – a 3-step system known as “Peel, Reduce, Restore” which is enriched with CBD oil

Do the LeVel Thrive Products Work?

LeVel Thrive makes some pretty impressive claims about their products, including aiding in weight management, improving cognitive performance, providing digestive and immune support and healthy join function, to name a few of the purported benefits.

But is there any scientific evidence to support these claims?

According to Healthline, no studies have been performed to assess the effectiveness of the Thrive patches for weight loss.

Additionally, Abby Langer RD, states (in reference to the ingredients in the Thrive patches), “none of this evidence has been studied in trials using a patch delivery system.”

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LeVel Thrive Compensation Plan

If you’re considering joining LeVel as a brand promoter, then you’re probably interested in learning more about the LeVel compensation plan.

LeVel is a multi-level marketing company and has a similar compensation plan to many MLM companies. There are 11 ways that LeVel brand promoters can earn money and other rewards:

Retail Sales – brand promoters can earn 20% on the BV of their customers orders. Additionally, active and qualified brand promoters can also earn commission from the orders placed by promoters they sponsored.

Vanishing Auto-Ship – when a brand promoter has 2 or more customers on the auto-ship program, they are eligible to receive free products.

Infinity Fast Start – a bonus system that that rewards brand promoters who sign up new brand promoters. Bonus payments range from $5-$140.

Infinity Fast Start Match – a bonus system that pays brand promoters a 10% match of the Infinity Fast Start bonus your personally sponsored brand promoters receive.

Infinity Fast Start Match Accelerator – similar to the Infinity Fast Start Match, but requires brand promoters to have a minimum of 8 personally sponsored promoters and reach the rank of 4k VIP or above.

Go VIP Bonus – allows brand promoters to earn between $400-$800 plus THRIVE credit for meeting certain sponsoring and sales goals in the first 14 days of becoming a brand promoter (more info here).

iPad Mini Bonus – bonus payment to purchase an iPad mini after meeting certain requirements in the first 30 days as a brand promoter, including 4,000 QV, 4 personally sponsored brand promoters and 4 customers on autoship.

Uni-Level Team Commissions – the ability to earn commissions on the sales of your personally sponsored brand promoters, up to 8 levels deep.

VIP Auto Bonus – monthly auto bonus of either $800 or $1600 (requirements here).

Lifestyle Getaways – paid vacations to destinations including Las Vegas, Napa Valley, Italy and Alaska.

Does this sound confusing to you? Don’t worry – it sounds confusing to me, too. From my experience, this seems to be a hallmark of many multi-level marketing companies – confusing terminology that requires mountains of detective work to decipher.

If you’d like to learn more about the LeVel compensation plan, click here.

How Much Money Can You Make With LeVel?

Based on the compensation plan above, there appears to be ample opportunities to make money with LeVel.

However, I’d like to issue a word of caution – according to a study completed by the Federal Trade Commission, 99% of people who join a multi-level marketing company lose money, with the “vast majority of commissions paid by MLM companies going to a tiny percentage of TOPPs (top-of-the-pyramid promoters)…”

LeVel Statement of Typical Earnings

Despite extensive searching, I was unable to uncover a LeVel statement of typical earnings.

LeVel Better Business Bureau

LeVel has numerous negative, 1-star reviews on the BBB, interspersed with some positive reviews.

Of note is that a lot of the positive reviews appear to come from LeVel brand promoters, which leads me to question whether these are partial reviews.

BBB LeVel reviews from promoters

Is LeVel Thrive a Pyramid Scheme?

The answer to that is “technically” no. Pyramid schemes are illegal and LeVel Thrive is not a pyramid scheme because the partners sell an actual product. HOWEVER, there is a fine line between an MLM and a pyramid scheme and I think you should always beware.

Does that mean that I believe going LeVel Thrive is a good idea if your goal is to make money?


While LeVel may not technically be a pyramid scheme, it IS a multi-level marketing company and as mentioned earlier in this article, 99% of people who join multi-level marketing companies lose money.

In Conclusion: Is LeVel Thrive a Scam?

Most people who join LeVel Thrive are, unfortunately, very unlikely to ever make any money. In my honest opinion, I don’t think anyone who is serious about making money online or building a business should consider investing their hard earned money into a MLM company.

It’s a waste of money. Many of the claims are just too good to be true.

If you really want to put the time and effort into starting your own business and/or making money from home, you can do better than LeVel Thrive. Try some of these options:

Have you tried LeVel Thrive to make money? Leave a comment below and let me know what your experience has been!

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