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How To Start A Business With No Money

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So, you want to start a business but you have no money. No problem! Many people have been in your shoes and have successfully started a business with no money.

Don’t worry. We’re here to offer you different options that will show you how to start your own business with no money.

What Is the Easiest Business To Start?

There are all kinds of businesses to start. Easy depends on what you like and what you know. 

When starting a business, you will need to think about whether you want to start a business that requires an initial investment; or if you want to go with a business with no or very low startup costs.

And you for sure want to be sure you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur! Read about the 15 qualities of an entrepreneur.

And yes, it’s possible to start a business either way – even if you have no money! Or you can make 300 dollars fast as a way to get started.

Try these 10+ legit online jobs with no initial investment!

What Are the Most Successful Small Businesses?

Any business can be successful if you work hard. Even businesses that you start with no money can work as long as you have a solid business plan and aren’t afraid to spend a lot of time working on your new business.

If you don’t know how to make a business plan, here are some free sample business plans to get you started. You can also research online, go to your public library or ask a successful business owner you know to mentor you.  

hand over top of paperwork with charts and graphs

Don’t balk at asking someone to mentor you.  Even Bill Gates has a mentor! (For those of you that don’t know, his mentor just happens to be one of the wealthiest men in the world, Warren Buffet!)

Even if you probably won’t snag someone like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates to be your mentor, ask the most successful person in your circle that you actually like and respect to be your mentor. Most people will be flattered that you think enough of them to ask them to be your mentor!

Should I Start A Business with No Money? 

Are you wondering if it’s a good idea to start a business with no money? Good question! The answer is, it can be.

It depends on what you want to do. There are two business models you can choose from when starting a new business:  businesses that require an initial investment and those that don’t.

Examples of businesses that require an initial investment are things like starting a franchise, flipping websites or opening a brick & mortar store or service like restaurant.  

the front of a bakery

I just purchased a franchise a couple months ago and the capital investment was significant.

Businesses that don’t require any capital, or very little include online businesses like freelance proofreading and social media management as well as some service businesses like bookkeeping and home cleaning.

You can even become a virtual assistant (no experience required) for no startup capital other than a computer!

For these types of businesses, you don’t typically need a large initial capital investment. I started my food blog Went Here 8 This with less than $100.

How To Get Money for Your Business?

If you want to start a business that requires capital, but you have no money, you have options. Here are some other ideas to get money for your new business.

hans passing a piece of paper and pen over to another set of hands

Get A Small Business Loan

In order to secure a loan, you’ll need to have done your homework. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, you need a solid business plan as well as in depth financial projections.

In other words, you can’t just walk into a bank and apply for a loan. It’s worth the effort though, if your dream is to start a business with no money. And, if you get turned down the first time, don’t give up. Rework your business plan and try again!  

Get A Grant

The federal government, as well as state governments, often award grants for small businesses. Make sure you check out both federal and state resources for grants as the criteria for awarding grants is different for each. 

Again, if you don’t succeed in getting a grant on your first try, spend some time fine tuning your application and try again.

Borrow from Your Parents or Friends

I know it’s probably not an option you’re crazy about, because who likes to borrow money from parents or friends? But, if you have a great idea that you think could be a real money maker, your family and friends will probably be excited to get in on the deal!

Find Investors

Similar to the above suggestion, if you have a really great idea to start a business but no cash, look for investors. The folks on Shark Tank do it every week! 

Use Your Credit Card

If you have a credit card then you have access to money! Yes, you’ll have to pay interest if you don’t pay the balance off immediately, but it may well be worth it.

**I don’t really recommended funding your business with credit cards, but it is an option if you feel VERY confident in your new business.

Save Up Until You Can Afford to Start Your Business

If you can’t come up with any outside financing right now, then that may be a sign for you to hold off on starting your business right now. It might be best to save up your own money so you can start your business and not have to depend on outside financing.

Here are some ways you can start saving some extra money for that business:

In addition to saving, you can also take some steps to make some extra money for your dream business:

Start One of These Businesses With No Money! 

All these are great small business ideas that you can start with no money. As long as you have a passion for your business you can be successful!

a person looking at their smartphone with a pen in hand in front of a laptop

Online Businesses to Start With No Money

Web Design

Freelance Writer

Social Media Manager


Virtual Assistant

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Owner

Tik-Tok Channel Owner

Etsy Shop Owner


Tax Preparer


Data Entry Consultant

Coaching Business (Life Coach, Health Coach, Hobby Coach)

Amazon Seller

FaceBook/Ebay Seller

Dropship Website Owner

Service Businesses to Start With No Money

a dog being walked on a leash


Pet Sitter

Day Care Provider



VRBO Renter


Lawn Service Owner


Party Planner


Window Washer

Computer Repair Person


Homemade Food Maker 

How To Find An Idea For A Business Startup

Don’t like any of our ideas? Here’s how you can come up with the perfect idea of the business you should start. 

Grab a sheet of paper or your laptop. At the top type “What I’m Good At”. Make another row about ½ way down the page titled “What I Love”.

Now you’ve got your two rows. Divide the page in half and label Column 2 “Can I Get Paid For That?”

How to Brainstorm Ideas to Turn into a Business

For me, under “What I’m Good At”, I might list the following:  organizing, finances, cooking. 

Under “What I Love”, I might list the following:  reading, cooking, traveling, and photography. Now, in Column 2, I need to look at each activity I listed and write “YES” or “NO” as to whether someone would pay me to do that activity.

For example, I’m good at finances. Would someone pay me to help them with finances or bookkeeping? Yes. So, that’s a possible business. I’m good at cooking. Would someone pay me to do that? Maybe (I mean technically I get paid for cooking via my food blog).

Now do the same for each activity you listed in the “What I Love” column. I love to cook. Would someone pay me to do that?

The trick here is to figure out how to make money doing the things you already do and love. So, if you love dogs, cooking or love working out, ask yourself how you can incorporate that love into a business. 

a woman in a gym sitting with her arms out towards a wall

You’ll want to continue down your list of activities until each one has either a YES or a NO. Now go through them again to reevaluate and make sure you didn’t pass on something that really could be turned into a business.

Cross off all the NO’s on your list. These are great hobbies but they’re not going to make you any money. You want to focus on the things you’re good at and things you love that someone would pay you to do.

Once you have your list, take a look at each item and evaluate which you’re interested in pursuing for your business. If you’re only lukewarm about it, move on because you need to be passionate about your business idea.  You’ll be spending lots of time, along with blood, sweat and tears to make it work!

You’ll be surprised at how many activities you do today that could actually be turned into a business. Will your business be a multimillion-dollar business right off the bat? Probably not.

But you have to start somewhere! Starting a business with no money won’t be easy. But nothing worthwhile is ever easy.  

Wrap Up

Don’t be afraid to start a business with no money.  If you’re willing to pour your heart and soul into it, you can make a go of it!  Most importantly, take action and DO something to make it happen.

Have you started a business with no money? Leave a comment below and let us know what your experience has been!

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